A) Atendence :
1. You must make surethat the child is present on the first working day of the school and after the long vacation.
2 .Your children should be present in the school before the first bell.
3. Please see that your child attends school regularly.
4. He/She can remain home only due to his/her illness. Youmust send a leave note along with the child the very next day
5.In case of absencs for more than one day, the medical certification should accompany the leave application.
6.In case the child is undergoing medical treatment for any kind of illness. We request ypu not to force the child toattend the school even during exams.
7.Any kind of indiscipline will not to be tolerated & students will be liable to be resticated & any action taken by the school management will be final.
8. Since this is an private unaided school fee’s revision will take place every three years.
B) Uniforms :
1.you must send the child in neat and clean uni-form.
2.Nails should be clipped and clean.
3.Girls are allowed to wear only very smallear tops studs or earrings but any fancy jewellary.
C) Discipline intimings
The following timings should be strictly followed
Repoirting time :7.35
School Starts :7.45
D) Rules for Promotion
Promotions of the students will be decided on the basis of their regular work and continuous
Assessment throughout the year.
E) Please note
1.Regarding gifts : Teachers appreciate the little takens made by the children as gifts on Teacher ‘s day, gurupoornima etc. BUT gifts purchased wil not be accepted.
2.To inform about leave/absence and any other information that you wantto communicate,
Please send in diaries only to the class teacher.
3.Birthday : No Sweets or expensive gifts will be allowed to be distributed in class .
4.Parents should leave the school campus immediately while dropping or picking up the child .