Parents are requested to see:
1. That their children come to school in time for the SCHOOL ASSEMBLY
a) That their children come to school regularly punctually and neatly dressed.
b) Their children devote sufficient time to study at home.
c) That they keep a check in the leave RECORD and the LATE ATTENDANCE RECORD.
d) That they check and sign the reports and any other notification made in the school calendar.
2. Parents and Guardians wishing to meet the student during working hours must arrange to do so through Principal.
3. Teachers are not to be interviewed in the classrooms and during the time when they are engaged in teaching.
4. Complaints of any kind should be made in writing to the Principal.
5. The school discourages private Tuitions. Instead it solicits the help of the Parents and Guardians in training children to do their work with regularity and diligence.
6. The school authorities accept no responsibility if a student is obliged to return home during class hours for failure to comply with school regulations.
7. Parents must understand that they cannot dictate terms to the Management but that the Management has the right to say on what conditions they will admit or retain students in their institution.
8. When communicating with the school authorities parents are requested to mention in their letters the class and section of their children.
9. Parents are allowed to meet the staff on 2nd Saturday of the month as per given schedule.
10. On days of “Kolhapur Bandh” the school management cannot declare the day as a holiday. It is the responsibility of the parents to bring the child to school and take back. Parents should wait and find out about the timings of the classes for that day.
1. Parents and Guardians are expected to cooperate with the school authorities by taking an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.
a) That the school rules are carefully observed by their children.
b) That their children come to school regularly, punctually and neatly dressed.
c) That they insist on their children devoting sufficient time to study at home everyday.
d) That they take careful note of their children’s Unit Test and other Remarks in their school calendar signing these as indication that they have seen them.
2. The engagement of private tutors, whether of the school staff or not should not be made except in consultation with the Principal.
3. Parents should see that their children do not have money or valuable articles with them. The school will not be responsible for books, money or other articles that are lost.
4. Any communication, request or complaint made by parents or guardians should be addressed to Principal and not to the teachers.
5. Visits to the Students or teachers during class hours are strictly forbidden. Permission is to be obtained from the Principal in unavoidable cases.
6. The school authorities accept no responsibility if a student is obliged to return home during class hours for failure to comply with school regulations.
1. New Admissions are as a rule subjected to a test.
2. For an admission to be finalized pupils coming from recognized school produce a Transfer Certificate (Leaving) from the last school they have attended. In case of students coming from outside Maharashtra the transfer certificate must be countersigned by the Education Officer/Inspector of the state from which the student is hailing.
3. A calendar month’s notice is to be given before the withdrawal of a student, otherwise fees will be charged. Such a notice should be given in writing by parents/guardian responsible for the student and not by the student herself, and in the form attached to the end of the hand book. The Transfer Certificate(Leaving) will be issued 3 days after the receipt of the application and only if all dues of fees have been paid and during office hours only.
4. For an admission to be finalized in the Jr. K. G. the Original Birth Certificate alongwith the Xerox copy must be produced. This Certificate should be from the Municipal Corporation.
5. No certificate of any kind will be given without a written application from the parent/guardian. This application should be handed over in the School office at least 3 days before the date on which the certificate is required.
6. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student. The decision of the Principal shall be final in this matter.
7. No student will be allowed to sit for the Unit Test unless all the fees have been paid up to-date.
8. Fees for the month of May must be paid before the 4th Unit Test.
1. All students are expected to be in school fifteen minutes before the bell.
2. All students must be present for the school assembly during which they pray together.
3. The school authorities are not responsible for the safety of the student after School Hours. Necessary arrangements should be made to take the child home promptly after class.
4. Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal, which will be granted only at the request of the parent.
5. Objectionable books, newspapers, periodicals etc. are not to be brought to school.
6. No collection for any purpose whatsoever may be made in the school without the permission of the Principal.
7. Students should not wear any jewellery or bring any costly articles to school. The school does not accept any responsibility for lost article. Any kind of damage done on the school premises will have to be made good. It is forbidden to write on the blackboard without leave or make marks on the school walls or furniture.
8. Students should come to school neatly dressed and in the prescribed school uniform.
9. All students must speak in English in the school premises.